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API reference

Keyboard Control

nut.js allows simulation of keyboard input by typing text or pressing / releasing single keys or key combinations.


The nut.js keyboard comes with a config object which allows configuration of its behaviour.


keyboard.config.autoDelayMs configures the delay between keypresses.


type allows one to type either strings or Keys.

const {keyboard, Key} = require("@nut-tree/nut-js");

describe("Keyboard test", () => {
    it("should open Spotlight on macOS", async () => {
        await keyboard.type(Key.LeftSuper, Key.Space);
        await keyboard.type("calculator");


pressKey will press and hold multiple keys.

const {keyboard, Key} = require("@nut-tree/nut-js");

describe("Keyboard test", () => {
    it("should press and release Alt+F4", async () => {
        await keyboard.pressKey(Key.LeftAlt, Key.F4);
        await keyboard.releaseKey(Key.LeftAlt, Key.F4);


releaseKey will release multiple keys again.

const {keyboard, Key} = require("@nut-tree/nut-js");

describe("Keyboard test", () => {
    it("should press and release Alt+F4", async () => {
        await keyboard.pressKey(Key.LeftAlt, Key.F4);
        await keyboard.releaseKey(Key.LeftAlt, Key.F4);
Query Types